Finding Inner Resilience
There is no doubt that the current coronavirus pandemic has triggered a very real fear response on a global scale. The panic and stress manifesting in society is clear to see, whether it’s in the media or the supermarkets.
And understandably, too – we have had to adapt very quickly to a very new normal in order to save lives. Lives are at risk, daily routines have been lost, we are losing our loved ones, we are losing our jobs…. So much uncertainty, fear and grief can cause a very human stress response.
Finding a new normal and ways to deal with the secondary impacts of coronavirus within the restrictions we are living within is a challenge that we all have to overcome. How we manage this is really important.
A good place to start is building your emotional resilience: enhancing your ability to respond to the various emotional, physical, economic and social implications of the coronavirus pandemic in a healthy and productive way is important for the health and well-being of you your family and on a wider societal and global collective scale.
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At Leone Centre, we offer individual counselling services, face-to-face and online. As well as therapy services, we have also created a psycho-educational learning tool and a space for reflection to develop self-awareness and to equip participants with a good understanding of human stress response plus the biological, psychological and social factors that interplay with their own narratives when it comes to managing stress and overwhelms.
In short, it is a two-part online, face-to-face workshop with a registered counsellor psychotherapist to gain self-awareness and learn to manage and challenge conditioned responses to stress.
Having a solid foundation to withstand the hurricane of uncertainty that we find ourselves in helps us to stay grounded in the storm. It is crucial that we build this resilience so that we minimise the risk of creating stress-related responses and stress-related problems now but also further down the line.
So yes – the facts remain true – there are lives that are at risk- this is serious. Yes – we are practising social distancing. But in big change lies great opportunity. How are you harnessing this change? What narratives are you telling yourself — are they helpful for you? Do they enhance your stress levels or reduce them?
If you are interested in learning more about our emotional resilience personal workshop or range of online counselling services, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today. Call us on 0203 9301007 or email [email protected], and we will be delighted to answer your questions.
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I am the Lead Consultant for our Corporate and Consultancy services. An experienced integrative therapist, couple and marriage counsellor, organisational development consultant, trainer, visiting lecturer and facilitator,
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