Supportive Counselling and Psychotherapy for Life-Changing Diagnoses


Therapy support when adjusting to a Life-Changing Diagnosis

Navigating through life’s unexpected challenges can leave us feeling adrift, lost in a sea of emotions. When life presents you with a diagnosis that reshapes your reality, whether it’s a physical ailment or a genetic predisposition, it can shake the very foundation of your existence. In these moments, the turbulence of emotions—fear, grief, uncertainty—can create a whirlwind that seems impossible to calm.

At the Leone Centre, we recognise the profound impact of these life-changing moments on individuals and their loved ones. We want to offer more than just a safe space, a place where you can freely explore your feelings and thoughts. Our aim is to help and empower you to discover newfound resilience and equilibrium amidst the turbulence of change.

Understanding and Adjusting to Health Challenges Through Therapy

Understanding and adjusting to health challenges can be complex and affect your physical well-being, mental health, and relationships. We commit to working with you to develop a deep understanding of your day-to-day experiences, what it is like living with your condition and its effect on your interpersonal relationships.

In our therapy sessions, we focus on:

– Developing a perspective that allows you to see yourself beyond your condition, ensuring it doesn’t define your identity.
– Cultivating a proactive mindset that enhances self-awareness and effective self-management.
– Enhancing your connection to your body provides ways to manage the physical aspects of your condition.
– Improving communication skills to express your needs and emotions effectively and with confidence.
– Fostering respectful and understanding relationships, particularly with those who provide care and support.

Our experienced therapists are dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of life-impacting diagnosis and chronic illness. We offer guidance and support as you discover new pathways to bolster your mental health and overall well-being.

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Some Conditions We Support

Our experienced therapists at Leone Centre can offer support to people with a wide range of life-changing diagnoses, including but not limited to:

  • Cancer
  • Chronic illnesses such as Multiple Sclerosis and Lupus
  • Genetic conditions like Huntington’s Disease and Cystic Fibrosis
  • Neurological disorders, including Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s
  • Heart diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Late-life mental health disorders
  • Adaptation to sudden disability or loss of physical abilities

We also welcome individuals facing other diagnoses, understanding that each person’s experience is unique.

Our Approach to Therapy

At Leone Centre, therapy is a personalised and individual journey. With their wealth of experience, our therapists utilise an integrative approach, combining various therapeutic techniques to suit your needs best. 

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Emotional and Relational Impact

A life-changing diagnosis or surgery can significantly affect your emotional health and relationships. Feelings of grief, anger, and anxiety are common, and it’s essential to address these emotions. Our therapy sessions also focus on the relational dynamics that may shift due to the diagnosis, helping you and your loved ones navigate these changes together.

Mental Health Support

Maintaining mental health is crucial in facing a life-changing diagnosis. At Leone Centre, we provide tools and ways to help with stress, anxiety, and depression, acknowledging their impact on your overall well-being. We aim to support you in finding strength and stability during these challenging times.

Support for Families and Couples

When one family member is diagnosed, the entire family is affected. We offer couple counselling and family therapy options to help strengthen communication and understanding within the family unit. Our therapists facilitate discussions that foster support and empathy, which are essential in facing the journey ahead together.

Psychosexual therapy

In the wake of life-altering surgeries or diagnoses, the intricate fabric of one’s intimate world can undergo profound transformations, often leaving an indelible mark on one’s sense of self and relationships. Psychosexual therapy, within this pivotal juncture, serves as a sanctuary—a place where individuals traverse the depths of their emotions, reconciling the intersection between their physicality and their emotional intimacy.

Frequently Asked Questions

We understand you may have questions about therapy at Leone Centre. Our FAQ section covers what to expect in your first session, therapy duration, confidentiality, and how our therapy for life-changing diagnoses can meet your needs. 

Getting Started

Beginning therapy at Leone Centre is a step towards empowerment and healing. Contact us to schedule your first session and learn more about our assessment process. We assure you of a supportive, confidential, and empathetic therapeutic experience.

At the Leone Centre, we are committed to providing a prompt response and a supportive environment where you can explore, understand, and grow through the challenges of a life-changing diagnosis. Reach out today and take the first step towards emotional and mental well-being.

Additional Resources

For further information and support, we have compiled a list of resources, including articles, books, and support groups, to complement your therapy experience with us.

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