Working Alongside Trans, Non-binary & Gender Questioning People
Date: Friday 17th February 2023, 9:30am – 1:00pm
Venue: The workshop will take place online using the Zoom platform.
This workshop is an interactive opportunity to explore and learn how you might better work alongside clients who are transgender, gender expansive, questioning their gender and/or non binary and, where appropriate, their partners/families.
We will explore the basics of language and the social, legal and medical systems that surround and support these clients, and better understand what therapeutic work can be undertaken in this context. The morning will also provide the opportunity to develop confidence in having conversations about gender and its intersections.
It may also benefit other professionals looking to expand their knowledge on this topic.
Click here to read more and book
Working systemically with eating disorders and other related mental health issues
Date of Workshop Monday 28th November 2022 9:30am – 1:00pm
Venue The workshop will take place online using the Zoom platform.
Within the workshop, we will be discussing some of the many issues and ideas when working with clients with an eating disorder and explore some of the systemic therapeutic options. We will also explore mental health issues which often appear alongside this.
This workshop is aimed at therapists, health and social workers who support either individual clients, couples or families and who may come across eating disorders and other related mental health issues during their work with their clients but do not have an in-depth knowledge as to how to navigate and provide support.
It may also benefit other professionals looking to expand their knowledge on this topic.
Click here to read more and book
Integrative Supervision Training
This exciting and dynamic training is open to those who are interested in working in a professional supervisory capacity. We have trained supervisors from a wide range of backgrounds who work with counsellors, psychotherapists, psychologists, personal and executive coaches, group facilitators, social workers and clinical services managers.
Our training focuses on developing the capacity to map process and facilitate in a relational and dynamic way. By the end of the training you will have deepened your understanding of the psyche and relational dynamics in a way that inspires and re-invigorates your work, with effective skills in working with individual and group supervisory contexts. We foster an inspirational and collegial atmosphere where it is safe to explore and step into new territory. It is not necessary for you to have supervision work set up before you start the training as there is flexibility to extend your ability to secure individual or group supervision experience before completing the course.
Click here to find out more about supervision training.
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