Organisational Consultancy

Organisational Consultancy


Organisational Consultancy at Leone Centre

Leone Centre offers consultancy services for organisations looking to cultivate emotional and relational intelligence in the workforce and build successful, driven teams needed to meet business goals. We understand all the human and system factors that can lead to difficulties in achieving targets, workplace dynamics that get in the way of the work and feeling satisfied in the workplace. Our unique methodologies can help get to the core of any relational and systemic issues in your workplace that may be affecting staff performance, team dynamics and workforce well-being. We work with boards, leaders and teams to ultimately improve relationships /systems and structures within contemporary business environments. 

We work with business organisations from any sector or industry and our fully trained and experienced associate consultants hold qualifications from prestigious industry-recognised institutions and are leaders in their field.

What Is Organisational Consultancy?

Businesses of all types, across all sectors, often discover that employing the qualified, skilled and talented individuals needed for organisational development does not necessarily lead to the high performing and independent teams they require. All teams in the workplace require clear objectives and goals to create a common sense of purpose. Our organisational consultancy work is designed to improve group productivity, target challenging team dynamics and enhance communication and general well-being in order to achieve your targets.

Encouraging teams to evolve with the contemporary working environment can be difficult. New and challenging goals, incoming managers, team leaders, increasing stress and new colleagues will all impact upon the team’s abilities to perform to their full potential and can even lead to misunderstandings and competing priorities. This, in turn, can have a negative effect which can then adversely create a static or unstable environment with no organisational development.

Our unique organisational consultancy helps resolve underlying concerns with your team and can address any disputes within your workplace dynamics that are contributing to stasis and distress within organisational culture. We work with you to identify the obstacles that are getting in the way and create a supportive space that will allow the team to find solutions and improve efficiency.

How Does Organisational Consultancy From Leone Centre Work In Practice? 

Our organisational consultancy service consists of three phases. These are:

Diagnostic and Assessment Phase

The first stage is the diagnostic phase, this often involves a variety of one-to-one sessions with management and their team members. This can be followed by whole-group and sub-group sessions in order to achieve a full understanding of the key obstacles preventing teams from reaching objectives and goals. We look in-depth at the interactions that play a part in the daily business routine; this enables employees to reach fuller appreciation and understanding of all the dynamics impacting productivity. 

Intervention Phase

Phase two of our organisational consultancy service is an evaluation of the workplace dynamics and concerns the people in your company are experiencing. This allows us to provide individually tailored solutions for your business. We have a wide variety of associate expertise to draw upon, depending upon the company needs including, MBTI practitioners, coaches, systems-psychodynamic organisational consultants, role consultants, trainers, psychotherapists & counsellors.

At this stage, our associates will work with you to determine the best course of action for your company. Our team are able to devise solutions for a variety of business concerns, including communication, performance, relational and leadership issues.

Some of our intervention solutions include:

Coaching sessions
– MBTI interventions – individual and group
– Training workshops
– Role consultancy
– Supervision
– Action learning sets
– Mediation within the workplace
– Reflective spaces
– Facilitated away days

Your bespoke interventions could include any or all of the above, carefully designed to provide solutions to meet your organisational needs.

Evaluation Phase

The final phase of our service deals with the ongoing practices of your team. We work with you to assess the results of all your progress and to determine any ongoing concerns that could pose challenges in the future.

Organisational Consultancy Locations: 

We can provide our expert organisational consultancy services to businesses throughout the UK. Our offices are based in Central London. Get in touch to arrange a consultation with one of our experienced associates, today.

Organisational Consultancy, Online

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