Frequently Asked Questions


Therapy & Counselling FAQs

Appointment FAQ’S

How do I book an appointment?

Please visit our team page to read through the profiles of each therapist, detailing their approach and experience.  Once you have decided on a choice of therapist you can either call us or use our online scheduling system to book an initial assessment appointment.

If you are unsure on who to book, please give us a call and we can talk through your requirements.

Please note payment is required to secure your initial assessment appointment. This appointment is for your exclusive use and when cancelled or missed altogether, it is often too late or impossible to offer this time to someone else and the appointment time goes unfilled. Therefore, the payment for the initial assessment appointment is non-refundable.

Can I book an appointment for someone else?

Friends and family members often need support in taking the action to engage with counselling and we are happy to provide information about the process, but it is important that the proactive step of making that first appointment is made by the person who will be attending. Ownership and commitment are key components of the therapy framework and process.

What is an initial assessment appointment?

An assessment appointment is an opportunity for you to get a feel for the therapist’s approach, how they work and to ask any questions you have.

You will discuss the therapeutic boundaries and contract which lays out what you can expect from Leone Centre, your therapist and what we ask you as a client, to better work together.

This is also for your therapist to understand what your needs, goals and expectations are so that they have a good idea about your circumstances and how best to work with you.

How long is each appointment?

Individual, couples and family counselling appointments are 50 minutes long. The assessment process for family therapy might require more than one session.

How many appointments do I have to book/have?

You only need to book your initial assessment appointment to begin with. There is no commitment to a set number of appointments. You can discuss your ideas, needs and the practicalities around your counselling commitment at the end of your first session with your therapist.

The standard format of weekly appointments helps you to make gradual and consistent progress that leads to ongoing results.

How long will we/I have to wait for an appointment?

Leone Centre assures a confidential and prompt response with fast-track initial appointments 7 days a week – 7am to 10pm (subject to availability). We will do our best to meet your needs as soon as possible. Though it is important to note that we are not an emergency service.

With professionals across each of our services, including Individual Therapy, Couples Counselling, Energy Work and Corporate Services, each client will be carefully assigned the right counsellor/coach according to their needs – let us know what your requests are!

What if I want a male or female counsellor?

We totally understand that you might have a request to work with a particular counsellor. Just let us know when you enquire and make your initial appointment.

Can I attend some sessions in-person and some online?

Yes, of course. We have a number of therapists who can offer both online and in-person appointments. Please discuss this during your initial assessment appointment with the therapist.

Can I speak with someone before making an appointment?

Yes – feel free to book online if you know what you are looking for, but we understand that you might want to have a short discussion with one of our team on the phone to understand the referral procedure and what you can expect from the counselling process.

This initial conversation will not be a counselling session, but a brief chat to reassure you and to aid the process of assigning the right counsellor for you. Just give us a call/drop us an e-mail.

Get in touch to arrange a call.

Why do you require my personal details for an appointment?

We understand that you want to know how your personal information is handled.
Your basic contact information helps us easily identify and reach you for appointments, and your GP and next of kin information is requested in the rare case of an emergency during therapy.
Rest assured, your therapist is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your therapy sessions in accordance with GDPR guidelines and all notes taken during your sessions will be securely stored with only your therapist having access to them.

Do you work with/offer sessions covered by health insurance?

We are registered with several insurance companies. Please contact to discuss whether this includes your provider. Even if we are not registered with your insurance company, it is often still possible to see one of our therapists. We are able to provide invoices for the purposes of making a claim, but it is advisable to seek authorization from your provider prior to starting therapy.

What if I miss a scheduled appointment?

Your appointments are for your exclusive use and when they are cancelled or missed altogether, it is often too late or impossible to offer this time to someone else and the appointment time goes unfilled. We ask for 1 weeks notice for cancellation and 48 hours notice to reschedule (within the same week) – we will always be as flexible as we can, we understand that things change!

(Please note this cancellation policy does not apply to the initial assessment appointment.)

How much does it cost, and do you have reduced fees or concessions?

At Leone Centre, we assure a high-quality service by carefully recruiting fully qualified, experienced and passionate team in line with our values.

Our associate counsellors offer support across a number of presenting issues and fees start from £110 (vat incl.) a session for individual counselling, from £125 (vat incl.) for couples counselling and from £140 (vat incl.) for family counselling. There is no cost disparity between online and in-person appointments.

At this moment we do not have concessions available.

Therapy & Counselling FAQ’S

What type of counselling do you provide, and which is best for me?

Leone Centre offers Counselling and Psychotherapy, either short-term or long-term. You can discuss your goals, intentions and reasons for counselling during your assessment initial therapy session.

Short-term work usually requires a minimum of 6 sessions. Leone Centre can also offer an open-ended counselling model; this provides the space for deeper insight, reflection and understanding into unconscious processes, relationships and life experiences.

You can discuss your ideas, needs and practicalities around your counselling commitment at the end of your first session together with your therapist.

Do you offer online counselling? Is it as good as therapy in person?

Recent studies have concluded that online counselling and online marriage therapy are as effective as in-person therapy.

Our safe and confidential online therapy and couple counselling is offered through the Zoom platform, it very easy to use. You can opt for an ongoing online therapy frame or alternate it to face-to-face sessions in London in the Fulham, Putney and Chelsea areas.

So, you can make your sessions even if travelling or abroad, from home or private space, saving time if you have a busy schedule, avoid going out if COVID or personal circumstances makes it a challenge.

What should I look for in a therapist?

Finding a therapist can be a daunting task – there are so many different approaches and ways of working.

Do research so you know what model and approach feels right for you; check they have recognized qualifications, and are registered members of relevant bodies and ask them questions in your initial session – they will be able to discuss with you your queries, concerns and you’ll get a feel whether they are the right therapist for you.

It is our hope that, if you then feel that you can connect and work well with your therapist, you will choose to continue with your therapy with a clear idea on how things work.

You can also, at any point, get in contact with us if you have any further questions.

What does a counsellor do?

A counsellor attunes to your needs and helps you help yourself depending on your reasons for being in counselling. A counsellor doesn’t give advice, judge you or sit in silence. A counsellor proactively works with you to help you get what you need from the process to find a resolution, heal, empower and help you fulfil your unique potential.

Will the counsellor give me advice?

Giving advice isn’t a part of the therapeutic process. Still, a counsellor is professionally trained so they can guide you to find your own answers, and solutions and provide therapeutic support and interventions whilst you do.

What’s the difference between talking to a friend and a counsellor?

Talking to a trained professional and entering into a counselling relationship provides a non-judgmental space for you to gain deeper self-awareness, find answers to your questions and accomplish the goals of counselling to fulfil your potential.

Shorter-term counselling might involve finding solutions to your problems or longer-term may involve understanding yourself on a deeper level and making conscious choices for change and making sense of your life experiences.

Individual or couple counselling gives you a confidential space for you to utilize in order for you to meet your needs.  Talking with a friend might not be confidential, they may not be trained to deal with psychological issues, and they may have advice based on conflicting loyalties and emotional involvement.

Can I speak to the therapist outside of my appointment time?

Therapists can be contacted via email and text message just regarding the functional aspects of the therapeutic process (if you are late, ask to reschedule your session). All the clinical and therapeutic aspects of your counselling process will be discussed during your appointments.

Your initial assessment appointment is an excellent time to ask any questions, find out how your therapist will work with you, and discover if you feel a connection.

Can I see a counsellor for couples and individual therapy?

Of course, there are instances where it is beneficial to see a therapist as an individual and a couple. Depending on the circumstances, seeing a different therapist for individual sessions may be preferable. The therapist should discuss this during the initial assessment appointment to determine the most appropriate way forward.

How do I know if a counsellor is qualified?

We recruit and work with fully qualified therapists registered with appropriate membership bodies to ensure a professional and quality experience. Qualifications can be found on their web profiles, and you can always ask the counsellor their qualifications – as well as evidence of their professional body’s membership. We can assure you that we have run these checks too.

Can you help my employees?

Of course, our services are open to anyone who is 18 and above and we are in partnership with Employee Assistance Programs. Enquire with us today!

How do I know I will receive professional service?

As mentioned above, we offer therapy of the highest quality and can ensure that our team are fully qualified and registered with the relevant professional bodies. For more information on the membership organisations’ code of conduct, see UKCP, BACP, Myers Briggs.

What is CBT/solution-focused counselling?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a well-known type of talking therapy. It can be useful depending on your personality and situation or presenting issue – CBT looks for practical ways to improve your state of mind in the here and now.

At Leone Centre, we offer CBT integrated with different therapeutic approaches. We offer short term solution focused short-term counselling where appropriate integrated with our broader integrative relational philosophy to break unhelpful thought patterns and cycles that maybe have become ingrained or habitual over time.

How does divorce counselling work?

Separation occurs for different reasons and brings up a number of different issues and new needs.

Divorce counselling and separation services at Leone Centre provide support and guidance to individuals and couples considering a separation or in the process of a divorce.

Our one-to-one and couple’s counsellors can support you, as a couple or individually whilst you are going through the legal, emotional and logistical aspects of the process, as well as the more personal and existential issues associated with separation.

Divorce counselling sessions aim to help you with a good ending and to adjust to your new life while also being able to process any negative after-effects you might experience due to divorce.

What if I am dissatisfied with the service or counsellor?

Should you have issues or problems with the therapist’s practice, we strongly encourage you to discuss them with your therapist within the contractual working alliance and work through them together – this can be an important and integral part of the therapeutic process. We hope that any disagreements or dissatisfaction or concerns can be discussed with your therapist to find a resolution and understanding.

If the dissatisfaction with the therapist persists after talking with the therapist, Leone Centre will offer support. Both client and therapist can contact Leone Centre to step in as a third party as a next step to find a resolution.

Leone Centre fully trusts our associate team –their professionalism, training, humility and practice, though it’s important that you know your rights as a client. A copy of our complaints policy is available on request. The next steps with complaints will depend on their professional body. See UKCP and BACP.

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