Are you spending more and more time and money shopping?
Once a hobby, a fun pastime, a way to unwind, to feel good, but is now it feels more of a compulsion, is no longer providing the same satisfaction or making you feel good? Are your finances suffering? Are the negative impacts of your Shopping Addiction outweighing the positive, but you continue to shop regardless?
We live in a consumerist culture, constantly being sold things – it is socially acceptable to consume, which can make an unhealthy relationship with shopping particularly difficult to identify and abstain from. With the right support, we know you can maintain a healthy relationship with your shopping habits and find enjoyment and fulfilment in the inevitable act of shopping again. We will help you identify the underlying causes that drive your Shopping Addiction and find healthy ways to manage stress, anxiety, and psychological difficulties in productive ways so you can relax into a relationship with shopping that empowers you to make choices and purchase decisions.
If you want a highly trained professional to help you manage and redefine your relationship with your spending habits, get in touch today.
As with any behavioural addiction, we know you can recover – no matter how long you have struggled. We also know that there is not something wrong with you, but you have likely suffered significant stress and/or trauma at some point in your life. We promote recovery by healing these wounds so that you can find fulfilment in the present.
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