Video Game Addiction


Video Game Addiction

Has your relationship with gaming become something which feels less and less in your control? Are you finding it hard to concentrate and be present in other areas of your life? Do you continue to use video gaming despite its negative impacts on your relationships and life?

The computer industry has developed hugely in recent years, and advances in technology bring, without doubt, many positives to the advancement and development of individuals and societies globally, whether in the gaming industry or elsewhere. Though most people can enjoy the joys of gaming, for some, it becomes a relationship that becomes a Video Game Addiction, making it difficult to be present in other aspects of your life.

At Leone Centre, we can help you understand your relationship with gaming, the thoughts, feelings, triggers and emotions connected to impulses, urges and out-of-control relationships with gaming, alongside productive and constructive ways to manage your behavioural and psychological health, including stress and anxiety.

As with any behavioural addiction, we know you can recover – no matter how long you have struggled. We also know that there is not something wrong with you but you have likely suffered significant stress and/or trauma at some point in your life.

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