Depression is a diagnostic term for symptoms that describe a complex bio-psycho-social process of relating to yourself and your world. Symptoms manifest psychologically, socially and physically and will be unique to each individual, though loosely described below:
- Tiredness/lack of energy
- Low mood
- Lack of motivation
- Loss of sex drive
- Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness
- Unable to find enjoyment in life
- Suicidal thoughts
COVID-19 and Depression
The Office of National Statistics found that:
‘Almost one in five adults (19.2%) were likely to be experiencing some form of depression during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in June 2020; this had almost doubled from around 1 in 10 (9.7%) before the pandemic (July 2019 to March 2020)’
The secondary impacts of coronavirus on health and wellbeing are clear. In many cases, existing struggles with depression will be emphasised, though some responses will be triggered by the current environmental circumstances, such as financial insecurity and social restrictions. This statistic illustrates the dynamic process of the relationship between the individual, the environment and wellness, individual and collective. Hence, a dynamic process is required for healing.
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Asking for help
Let’s be honest – reaching out is hard when in a place of depression. Admitting you are struggling and dealing with painful feelings takes energy and, let’s face it – can be scary.
Reaching out also requires a degree of hope, the prospect that wellness is an option for you and that there is a point in seeking help. These are all quite literally opposite requirements to what it takes to be diagnosed with depression. We get it.
We also know that there is every point in reaching out.
Ask yourself: What is the cost of repeating the same cycle and staying stuck? And what could the benefit be of seeking help? It might be that you don’t quite have the belief or hope yet – let us do that for you….

Counselling for depression
Talking with a trained professional involves dealing with and managing symptoms of depression and discovering what self-care looks like for you. As well as getting in touch with what is going on underneath. No baby is born depressed. We become depressed. Why? How?
The counselling relationship can be used to explore the deeper root causes of depression symptoms and find a new way of managing your emotional health going forward.
If you are ready to start your wellness journey, we invite you to take the first step. Suffering alone is not the answer. Would you suggest that to a friend that you cared about?
Reach out, get in touch!
Depression is common.
All of our therapists are experienced and well-equipped to work with people suffering from depression.
We see people with mild symptoms of depression, who might have a personal sense of stuckness and general unhappiness, right through to those with a more severe form of clinical depression that has been formally diagnosed.
Since 2009 we have been supporting individuals, couples and professional relationships back into a state of thriving and fulfilment. Get in touch today.
Online and face-to-face counselling services in Fulham and Putney are easily reachable from Chelsea, Wimbledon, and Battersea.
We offer a free 10-minute consultation to help you decide how you want to go forward.
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Co-founder and director of Leone Centre, 20+ years of experience supporting people, and offering valuable knowledge through Couples Counselling and Individual Counselling. Before becoming a therapist, I worked in the financial sector.
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