Leone Centre Glossary

Sexual addiction in psychosexual therapy

Sexual addiction

Sexual addiction is a complex condition often addressed in psychosexual therapy. Sexual addiction involves a pattern of excessive sexual thoughts and behaviours that interfere with daily life and relationships. Individuals may find it challenging to control their impulses, leading to significant distress and impairment in various aspects of their lives.

Key challenges

Individuals facing sexual addiction often encounter the following issues:

  1. Compulsive sexual behaviour
  2. Relationship difficulties
  3. Emotional distress
  4. Impact on daily functioning

Common concerns:

  1. Persistent, intense sexual fantasies and urges
  2. Attempts to reduce or control behaviour are often unsuccessful
  3. Significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning

Benefits of psychosexual therapy:

Psychosexual therapy offers a structured approach to understanding and addressing the root causes of sexual addiction. It provides individuals with the tools to manage their impulses and develop healthier relationships. Including:

  1. Providing a structured approach to understanding and addressing the root causes of sexual addiction
  2. Offering tools to manage impulses and develop healthier relationships

Therapeutic approach

Psychosexual therapy utilises various approaches to help individuals manage sexual addiction. This includes cognitive-behavioural tools, mindfulness practices, and personalised therapeutic interventions adapted to the individual’s needs.


What is sexual addiction?
Sexual addiction is characterised by a pattern of excessive sexual thoughts and behaviours that interfere with daily life and relationships.
How can psychosexual therapy help with sexual addiction?
Psychosexual therapy provides a structured approach to understanding and addressing the root causes of sexual addiction. It offers tools to manage impulses and develop healthier relationships.
What approaches are used in psychosexual therapy?
Psychosexual therapy utilises cognitive-behavioural tools, mindfulness practices, and personalised therapeutic interventions adapted to the individual’s needs.


  1. Leone Centre. (n.d.). Psychosexual therapy. 
  2. Mitchell, S. (2021). Understanding sexual addiction: A guide for therapists and clients. Routledge.
  3. National Health Service (NHS). (n.d.). Sex addiction. 
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This glossary provides definitions of various counselling terms and approaches for informational purposes only, without implying endorsement or service provision