Leone Centre Glossary

Neurodivergent Relationships in Neurodiversity-affirmative Therapy

Neurodivergent Relationships

Neurodivergent relationships can involve some unique dynamics and challenges. Neurodiversity-affirmative therapy offers a supportive framework that acknowledges and respects these differences.

Recognising challenges

  1. Communication differences
  2. Sensory sensitivities
  3. Social interaction variations
  4. Misunderstandings and misinterpretations

About neurodivergence

Neurodivergence encompasses a range of neurological differences, including autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and more. Each individual’s experience is unique, and their relationships can reflect this diversity.

Exploring neurodivergent relationships

Neurodivergent relationships refer to relationships where one or more individuals are neurodivergent, meaning they have neurological differences such as autism, ADHD, or other cognitive variations. Neurodiversity-affirmative therapy supports these relationships by encouraging understanding, communication, and mutual respect.

Key features in therapy

  1. Emphasis on individual strengths
  2. Validation of unique experiences
  3. Adaptation of therapeutic approaches
  4. Promotion of healthy relationship dynamics

Benefits of neurodiversity-affirmative therapy

This therapeutic approach validates and honours neurodivergent experiences, focusing on strengths rather than deficits. It aims to create a safe space where neurodivergent individuals and their partners can express themselves freely.

Therapeutic approach

Neurodiversity-affirmative therapy adapts its methods to suit the specific needs of neurodivergent clients. Approaches may include sensory-friendly environments, clear and direct communication, and personalised challenge management tools.

Convenience and flexibility

Therapists trained in neurodiversity-affirmative approaches offer flexible and adaptable practices to meet the specific needs of neurodivergent individuals and their partners.


What is a neurodivergent relationship?
A neurodivergent relationship involves one or more individuals with neurological differences, such as autism or ADHD.
How can neurodiversity-affirmative therapy help?
This approach supports neurodivergent individuals and their partners by encouraging understanding, communication, and respect.
Why is neurodiversity-affirmative therapy important?
It honours the unique experiences of neurodivergent individuals and focuses on their strengths, promoting healthier relationship dynamics.


  1. Neurodiversity Affirmative Therapy
  2. Psychology Today: Neurodivergent Relationships
  3. Leone Centre: Neurodivergent Relationships
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This glossary provides definitions of various counselling terms and approaches for informational purposes only, without implying endorsement or service provision